Announcements for THE WEEK of Feb. 9, 2025
Sunday School for Adults: Currently there are two options. The Wharton Sunday School class meets in room #115 on the first floor at 9:45am, taught by Howard Hendricks. The other option for adults is the Friends in Faith class, which meets in the conference room at 10am. All adults are welcome.
Confirmation Mentors Needed: We will have a confirmation class starting in late February and are looking for individuals willing to serve as mentors for our confirmands. As a mentor, you will be asked to develop a personal relationship with one of our tweens, both listening to his or her questions as they explore their faith and sharing stories from your faith journey. Mentors will also be asked to join the confirmation class for dinner from 5 to 5:45 on Feb. 23, March 9 and March 23, as well as confirmation on Sunday, April 20 (Easter). If you are interested in serving as a mentor or if you have questions, talk to Pastor Carol or Michelle Rash.
Summer Feeding Program Mtg: will be this Monday, February 10 at 6PM in the Wharton Classroom.
Care & Share Mtg: will be this Thursday, February 13 at 10:30AM in the parlor.
Youth: will meet this Monday, February 10 from 7-8:30PM for Mario Cart and milkshakes.
Service Sunday for Tweens: will be next Sunday, February 16 from 4-5:15PM.
Church Council Mtg: will be February 24 at 7PM in the Wharton Classroom.
Nurseries: The nursery is available at both services for babies - 5 years old.
Kingdom Kids: Children in kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to join us Thursdays from 4 to 5:15 for our new Kingdom Kids program. A snack supper will be served. This week's topic is Moses.
Tweens: Our tweens (5th through 8th grade) -This group meets every Sunday (except holidays) from 4-5:15PM on the lower level of the church. This week is Be Bold: Is Jesus Really the Only Way to get to Heaven?
Teens: We have a new format for our school youth (9th through 12th grade). A full schedule can be downloaded from the youth page on the GUMC website. The teens will not meet this week. The youth will have Mario Kart and Milkshakes on Monday, Feb. 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Children and Youth Sunday School: Sunday School is available for elementary-aged children on the second floor of the church each Sunday morning from 10 to 10:45. Snacks are provided. On the second and fourth Sundays, a tween Sunday School class meets on the lower level of the church from 10 to 10:45. Snacks are provided. Our tweens join the elementary class for a combined-age class for the remaining weeks. The high school youth have Sunday School in the youth rooms on the lower level of the church. Snacks are provided.
Stacey Harris, Mike Hawk, Family of Harold Hawk, Ruth Hawk, Kyle, Faye Martin, Mason Perez, Kim Rider, Patty Robinson, Carolyn Shelton, Randy Summers, Wanda Woodfort, and the WNC Recovery Efforts. Our Christian sympathy goes out to the family of Chase Garrett Walker (Vicki Holmes’ grandson) who recently passed away.
Sunday School for Adults: Currently there are two options. The Wharton Sunday School class meets in room #115 on the first floor at 9:45am, taught by Howard Hendricks. The other option for adults is the Friends in Faith class, which meets in the conference room at 10am. All adults are welcome.
Confirmation Mentors Needed: We will have a confirmation class starting in late February and are looking for individuals willing to serve as mentors for our confirmands. As a mentor, you will be asked to develop a personal relationship with one of our tweens, both listening to his or her questions as they explore their faith and sharing stories from your faith journey. Mentors will also be asked to join the confirmation class for dinner from 5 to 5:45 on Feb. 23, March 9 and March 23, as well as confirmation on Sunday, April 20 (Easter). If you are interested in serving as a mentor or if you have questions, talk to Pastor Carol or Michelle Rash.
Summer Feeding Program Mtg: will be this Monday, February 10 at 6PM in the Wharton Classroom.
Care & Share Mtg: will be this Thursday, February 13 at 10:30AM in the parlor.
Youth: will meet this Monday, February 10 from 7-8:30PM for Mario Cart and milkshakes.
Service Sunday for Tweens: will be next Sunday, February 16 from 4-5:15PM.
Church Council Mtg: will be February 24 at 7PM in the Wharton Classroom.
Nurseries: The nursery is available at both services for babies - 5 years old.
Kingdom Kids: Children in kindergarten through 4th grade are invited to join us Thursdays from 4 to 5:15 for our new Kingdom Kids program. A snack supper will be served. This week's topic is Moses.
Tweens: Our tweens (5th through 8th grade) -This group meets every Sunday (except holidays) from 4-5:15PM on the lower level of the church. This week is Be Bold: Is Jesus Really the Only Way to get to Heaven?
Teens: We have a new format for our school youth (9th through 12th grade). A full schedule can be downloaded from the youth page on the GUMC website. The teens will not meet this week. The youth will have Mario Kart and Milkshakes on Monday, Feb. 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Children and Youth Sunday School: Sunday School is available for elementary-aged children on the second floor of the church each Sunday morning from 10 to 10:45. Snacks are provided. On the second and fourth Sundays, a tween Sunday School class meets on the lower level of the church from 10 to 10:45. Snacks are provided. Our tweens join the elementary class for a combined-age class for the remaining weeks. The high school youth have Sunday School in the youth rooms on the lower level of the church. Snacks are provided.
Stacey Harris, Mike Hawk, Family of Harold Hawk, Ruth Hawk, Kyle, Faye Martin, Mason Perez, Kim Rider, Patty Robinson, Carolyn Shelton, Randy Summers, Wanda Woodfort, and the WNC Recovery Efforts. Our Christian sympathy goes out to the family of Chase Garrett Walker (Vicki Holmes’ grandson) who recently passed away.